How to Move House Like a Speedy Snail

(Yes, you read that right!)

So, life threw a curveball and you need to be out of your place faster than you can say “packing peanuts”? Don’t fret, fellow traveller on the path of house relocation!

Moving on a tight schedule can feel about as glamorous as wrestling a grumpy wombat, but fear not! Because with a sprinkle of planning, a dash of ruthless decluttering, and a whole lot of tea, you can emerge victorious (and only slightly frazzled) on the other side.

Step 1: Embrace the list-a-licious life

Let’s be honest, our memories are about as reliable as a toddler with a juice box. That’s why we arm ourselves with lists!

Create a master plan outlining everything from contacting removalists to sorting out the redirection of your mail. This will be your guiding light through the relocation storm.

Or simply use our FREE moving checklist: MiniMovers Moving Checklist and make the first step even more straightforward!

Step 2: Declutter like a ninja

Time is of the essence, so ask yourself: do you really need that porcelain budgie collection from your childhood? Embrace your inner Marie Kondo and ruthlessly declutter.

Donate, sell, or recycle anything that you no longer need. Remember, less stuff equals less to pack, equals more time for celebratory tea breaks!

Step 3: Pack like a Tetris master

Channel your inner champion of that childhood game and pack those boxes like a boss. Here’s the golden rule: pack the non-essentials first (looking at you, box of Christmas decorations that haven’t seen the light of day since 2019).

You ask why?

By tackling the things you don’t need right away, you free up valuable space in your current home. This gives you more room to manoeuvre as you pack the essentials closer to moving day. Imagine trying to navigate around a mountain of winter clothes when you’re frantically searching for your phone charger!

Also, don’t forget to label everything clearly – future you will thank you profusely when they’re not unpacking a box of socks and wondering if they’ve stumbled into Narnia.

Step 4: The power of asking for help

There’s no shame in admitting you can’t do it all. Bribe your mates with pizza and good tunes in exchange for some packing muscle. Bonus points if they’re strong enough to wrestle that giant antique grandfather clock down the stairs.

Step 5: Embrace the “Essentials Box”

Pack a separate box filled with everything you’ll need to survive the first few days in your new digs. Think toiletries, pyjamas (because comfort is key!), a change of clothes, a kettle for that essential cuppa, medicines, and maybe even a photo of your loved ones to keep you company.

Step 6: Breathe, delegate, repeat

Moving is a marathon, not a sprint. Take breaks, chug copious amounts of tea (and water!), and don’t be afraid to delegate tasks. Remember, a happy you is a more efficient you.

Bonus tips

  • Use suitcases and laundry baskets for extra packing space.
  • Colour-code your boxes by room for easier unpacking.
  • Pack heavy items in smaller boxes to avoid backaches.
  • Line drawers with plastic wrap to prevent rogue clothing from escaping during the move.
  • Befriend the grocery store. Moving day is not the time to cook a gourmet meal. Stock up on pre-made snacks, easy-to-heat meals, and disposable plates to avoid unpacking the entire kitchen right away.

So there you have it! With a little planning and a healthy dose of humour, you can conquer your move, even on a tight schedule.

Now go forth, speedy snail, and create amazing adventures in your new home!

For more moving tips and guides, check out our moving hints and moving blog!

All these may seem overwhelming, and that’s why we’re here! Hire our expert and professional movers and packers and make your move less stressful. Call us at +1300 642 900 for enquiries!

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